Artificial Intelligence and Hiring Nonprofit Candidates

March 18, 2019

Funds2Orgs Marketing Team

In this installment in our series of artificial intelligence in the nonprofit sector, we explore human resources and recruitment. In short, artificial intelligence and hiring go hand-in-hand in the digital age. Moreover, the use of AI could improve your recruiting and retention. But, before we go deeper with artificial intelligence and hiring, in case you missed our earlier two articles, here’s your chance to catch-up.

We promised last week that we would tell you about one of the AI tools that we use within our shoe drive fundraising social enterprise. And we’re going to include them in this article about artificial intelligence and hiring.

Hiring with the Use of AI

We know that nonprofits need to ensure the people they hire remain as long as possible. As we know, recruiting new team members is a significant cost. As a social enterprise, we also seeking to find the best people to join our team. Moreover, we seek to hire those who have the highest chances of staying with us for the long-term.

As a result, we explored several tools that include SmartRecruiters, Jibe, and JobScore. For nonprofits, they could considerably help your group find the best candidates. In short, these AI tools create efficiencies through technology that frees up your human resources professionals. For us, we selected HigherMe, and some of what you can do with this type of technology includes the following:

1. Our Use of AI in Recruitment

For our team, we wanted to streamline the recruitment process. Moreover, it was essential for us to optimize it with the best possible candidates for our open positions. HigherMe, along with its competitors, help organizations with the entire human resources process. And artificial intelligence and hiring improved exponentially because of those efficiencies.

  • With AI, applicants benefit in applying for jobs. For instance, they could ask questions answered by AI. And it happens whenever they apply. Meaning, applicants don’t have to wait for business hours. As a result, they don’t have to wait or even miss important email replies from HR professionals during business hours.
  • AI allows job candidates could apply through a high-powered platform. And because of it, it provides alternative methods to apply for opportunities. For instance, HigherMe allows candidates to use text-to-hire, which facilitates and offers candidates more ways to apply.
  • One of the functions that our HR team appreciates is scheduling for in-person interviews. As an example, it’s automatically handled because candidates choose available time-slots. Meaning, our team doesn’t have to waste time with telephone calls, emails and scheduling coordination. And that’s ended immensely time-consuming calendaring.
  • Further, these AI platforms are optimized with job search tools, such as Indeed and Glassdoor.


The platform that we use provides a percentage ranking score to all candidates. So, the higher the score, the better the match. The rankings get tabulated by how well a candidate answers questions. But, it also ranks on availability for work during the job hours, distance from our offices, and other criteria. Although we don’t yet use it, we can also request videos from all of our candidates. Therefore, artificial intelligence and hiring could also benefit from these advances.

Sure, AI platform helps us prioritize who we want to see first. But, it’s essential for our team as a matter of ethics and integrity to have humans involved and overseeing the entire process. And that includes scanning all resumes a second time. However, we discovered that HigherMe is cost-effective and time-efficient recruiting technology for our team members.

2. Other Uses for Technology in Human Resources

While recruiting is one of the most critical areas for artificial intelligence to make an impact, other tools exist for nonprofit HR professionals. For instance, if you happen to have a larger team, team members may find whether the dates they would like to schedule for vacation work for the company or not because others requested the same period.

Other types of AI could analyze the mood of team members after tough calls. In turn, this supports nonprofit HR professionals in determining if its best that the employee has a little time for themselves. As we know, it’s essential to try to help teams minimize stress and anxiety. Artificial intelligence could also assist in onboarding and training team members. For an excellent list of some of the best available human resources technologies for the year, take a look at this list published by ideal.

We hope you enjoy our series on artificial intelligence in the nonprofit sector. We always aim to provide you with the best resources. In short, we want to ensure that your organization grows and make an even more significant impact in your community. Next week, we’ll give you some of the best fundraising ideas for your nonprofit with the use of artificial technology.


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