Top Nonprofit Challenges of Attracting New Donors

November 12, 2018

Funds2Orgs Marketing Team

The most successful nonprofit leaders understand that donor retention is crucial to maintaining sustainable revenue. It’s one of the top nonprofit challenges. However, every year, a percentage of donors fall off the roles. For instance, they moved on from your cause, have different priorities, or had a life change. Therefore, although donor retention’s a vital part of a fundraising program, donor acquisition also plays an essential component.

Why can it seem tough to get new donors?

Several reasons charities find it one of their top nonprofit challenges to recruit new donors. But all of them could get overcome. For instance, the following represent a few of the top reasons donor acquisition could seem daunting. And we explain what to do to ensure you’re successful at getting new donors.

  • People don’t understand what your organization wants to achieve. In short, you’re not explaining your work well enough.
  • Prospective donors don’t see the impact you make in the community.
  • Board members aren’t active in helping your fundraising team to raise awareness and money.
  • Your nonprofit isn’t communicating with prospects where congregate, such as social media.
  • You’re not using a multi-channel approach to obtaining new donors, and you’re messaging is the same for everyone.


How to overcome the top nonprofit challenges for getting new donors

Nonprofit leaders and fundraisers should understand that to impact their mission, they must make fundraising a priority. In doing so, it’s essential to devise ways to overcome the top nonprofit challenges of acquiring new donors. The following are a couple of strategies to ensure you could get new donors on your database despite the obstacles.

Communicating your mission and work well. 

Some nonprofit organizations write copy and content about the work they do that’s too dense and academic. Most people aren’t academicians. So, it’s vital to make the information you deliver to the broader community simple. In short, figure out ways to tell your story directly. Also add some of the facts and more of the stories aimed at capturing the hearts and minds of members of your community.

Impact is about facts and statistics. 

Donors want to understand what you’re doing to accomplish your mission. Stories will tug at the heart. But potential donors also want to know the number of families and people you help. So, be clear about the facts of the work you do and provide people who see website or content specifics that help raise brand awareness and fundraising dollars. For instance, share how much you want to raise, and how many people will get assisted by the money.

Board members are leaders of fundraising.

Many times board members like the prestige that comes from serving on a nonprofit board. But, board members have to get encouraged to rise to their position in the community. One of the best things a nonprofit executive leader can do for their organization is to make the board a 100% give or get board. Meaning, all members should either support the organization financially themselves each year with a personal contribution or raise money from others. It’s not about the level of giving; it’s about being part of the solution to ensure the financial stability of the organization.

Become donor-centered. 

Donors today are found in all places, and it’s essential for your organization to understand that you must be where your donors are regarding how they communicate. Older prospects may prefer receiving letters in the mail, and younger prospective donors may want to engage with you with a social media post, tweet or text. Whatever the platform, your nonprofit must be open to being involved and engaged in communicating with donors and prospects in the way they prefer. That comes from knowing your donors and prospects well.

Telling your story well on each platform. 

And following on the earlier point, when you are where your prospects and donors are and communicate to them through the mail, email, text, social media, etc., the way you communicate in each of these platforms will be different. Learn to master communication on all of these channels and tell your nonprofit story in the best way possible for each of the platforms in a way that will be engaging, concise and compelling.

Getting new donors takes work, but it’s not impossible and doesn’t have to be one of the top nonprofit challenges. All it takes is awareness of what you have to do, and a few tips and strategies consistently used to get the message out to prospective donors.

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