10 Team Improvement Ideas to Level Up Your Nonprofit Squad

June 20, 2023

Funds2Orgs Marketing Team

Ready to take your nonprofit’s team performance to the next level? You’re in luck! We’re going to dive deep into team improvement ideas to help you max out the work your squad does for your mission and organization. So, whether you’re a seasoned manager or just starting, these 10 ideas will inspire and engage your team to do even greater things. Let’s get started.

1.     Foster a growth mindset: Mind over matter.

Our global CEO, Wayne, always talks about keeping things in perspective. As a result, our team continually works on fostering a growth mindset. In other words, what you think becomes your reality. If your nonprofit team’s consistently negative and leaning into how things can’t get done, well, they don’t happen. However, when you emphasize setbacks as opportunities to learn and grow and celebrate small wins, you get much farther.

2.     Embrace open communication: No more siloed team thinking.

One of the big secrets in many large nonprofits is that communication gets siloed. That’s a no, no. We all know that things are moving at rapid speeds. So that means you need to break down the barriers and foster an environment where your nonprofit squad feels good sharing ideas and thoughts—good and bad. Ultimately, you can’t have any list of team improvement ideas without leaning into strong communication.

3.     Encourage squad collaboration: The power of we.

Want to do great things with your nonprofit team of social enterprises? Want to create a vision for your supporters that integrates everyone into the story of your organization? If so, you’ve got to foster a team culture of collaboration. So, think about the toughest challenges you might have within your organization, and then ask people to work on these challenges in teams. Also, create team-building activities and always celebrate wins.

4.     Promote work-life balance: Happy team, happy life.

Gone are the days when teams just ground through the work. Those old-school ideas are so 1983! Now, teams have a full and integrated life. So, that means that what they do at work and on their own time needs to align with their passions and values. Make it a point to promote a healthy work-life balance in your organization. Don’t expect your nonprofit squad to work on weekends or late hours. Remember, happy team, happy life, and an amazing nonprofit!

5.     Recognize and celebrate achievements: Cheers to success.

One of the things we do daily is to celebrate wins and successes. There’s a reason for it—it motivates people and gives them something to achieve. It doesn’t matter if the wins are big or small. It’s important to celebrate and give your team members shout-outs. Think of everything they do each day and make it a point to celebrate the big and small wins daily. A celebration goes a long way for a positive team culture and is a must on a team improvement ideas list!

6.     Embrace diversity and inclusion: Unleash the power of differences on your squad.

Diversity matters, and it makes a difference. When you include people with different backgrounds, experiences, and views on things, you get innovative ideas. Moreover, you get a better team culture because people learn from each other. Also, diversity and inclusion help a team develop empathy skills, kindness, and compassion. So, make it a point to have your team represent a variety of voices to achieve your mission.

7.     Encourage continuous learning: Never stop growing with your team.

This seventh one on the list of team improvement ideas aligns with the growth mindset, but it’s a bit different. Of course, you need the right perspective. But it’s equally important to foster a culture of learning. We know you’ve heard it before, but there’s a reason everyone’s talking about it. Everyone on your team has to upskill continually. So, ensure your team knows about workshops, training, and conferences.

8.     Promote a positive work environment: Good team vibes only.

Do we need to say it? Okay, we will. Fostering a positive work environment is crucial for morale, team productivity, and the achievements of your nonprofit. Leaders and managers need to start with themselves. For instance, make it a point to smile and promote laughter and those ‘water cooler’ moments, even if they happen online. So, recognize and appreciate your team’s efforts and remember that good vibes are contagious, leading to innovation and creativity.

9.     Embrace technology: Work smarter, not harder.

We love tech! Do you? If not, better get a move on. The fact is that there are many fantastic apps and tech platforms to streamline and boost your team’s productivity. We know nonprofits usually have low margins, so ask a donor to help you fund the investment. Then, check out communication platforms, team collaboration tools, and project management platforms. Embracing tech saves time and increases your ability to do more—better.

10.  Encourage personal development: Growing together.

Finally, your nonprofit squad wants to be invested in your work. As a result, your team’s success depends on each of your team members. So, make it a point to support professional development, of course, but also support personal development. Share skill development, online courses, and other approaches to learning. When your team feels valued as individuals, they bring more of themselves to your nonprofit table.

Find out more of what you need to know for nonprofit success—visit our webinars, ebooks, YouTube, or Facebook.


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