Sustainable Shoes and YOUR Social Responsibility

August 18, 2021

Funds2Orgs Marketing Team

So, here’s something you might not realize. Most families have about 10 to 15 pairs they don’t use hidden around their homes. Here’s the scoop in case you missed it. The world is moving—fast—toward sustainable solutions. And that also means sustainable shoes and clothing. In other words, it’s no longer cool or good to purchase the latest fashion without giving a thought to the environmental impact.

Sustainability Efforts By the Largest Global Brands

Corporations have paid attention to the demands of the market. Let’s face it; they want to make a profit. And if the public and their potential customers care about sustainability, well, so do they. As we know, talk is cheap, and we need action! So let’s explore some of the ways multinationals and the fashion industry are moving toward environmentalism and sustainable shoes and clothing. And at the end of this article, see one way you could join the sustainability movement with your shoes.

Adidas Seeks to Eliminate Plastics

As you know, Adidas is an athletic shoe manufacturer. But that doesn’t keep it from getting involved in the world’s most significant sustainability problem—plastics. If you happen to live or go to a beach after a nasty storm, then chances are you’ll see the plastics that the world’s oceans and seas spit back onto land. Everything seems to be or made of plastic, from water bottles to hair products to toothbrushes. Reality check—this is a HUGE problem!

Plastics are single-use and incredibly hard to degrade. For example, when it comes to shoes, the plastics in soles take more than a lifetime to degrade. In the case of Adidas, the sports brand is leaning into innovations. In short, it’s partnered with start-ups and other leading brands to figure out ways to lessen the production of non-degradable plastics. For example, in its partnership with Allbirds, it’s working to create sustainable materials from sugar cane, eucalyptus fiber, and merino wool. The aim is to become carbon neutral.

Sustainable Jeans from Levis

Few items are as American as a pair of Levis jeans and now they’re even more sustainable. Jeans were invented by Jacob W. Davis and Levi Strauss in 1873. Essentially, workers who built America and labored needed sturdy, breathable, and comfortable pants. Blue jeans revolutionized the clothing industry, and they are an iconic part of the American story exported worldwide. Actors Marlon Brando and James Dean popularized jeans beyond laborers in the golden age of Hollywood through their movies.

Levis continues to innovate, and now it’s doing it for sustainability. New Levis jeans get made from organic cotton and Circulose. In turn, Circulouse gets made from worn-out jeans. And as styles move away from the decade-long style of skinny jeans to looser and more retro looks, including high-rise jeans, Levis is on the leading edge of the jean market. Garment-to-garment recycling of jeans means that old jeans become new again and again in new variations and styles.

The Fashion Industry Has to Change More Than Ever

The fashion industry has known for a long time that it has a problem. Every season, creating new clothing lines and asking customers to continue buying and throwing away is not sustainable. So, the $2.5 trillion industry might not like it, but the world, governments, and the public are pushing back. The reality is that the industry produces 10% of carbon emissions worldwide and creates 20% of the wastewater, affecting the planet’s biodiversity. Moreover, 87% of clothing fibers end up in landfills and getting incinerated, sending yet more toxins into the air. In short, it’s not sustainable.

In the U.S., people are pushing the federal government to appoint a fashion czar. And while that might seem silly, it’s not. The fashion industry has to choose to create sustainable shoes or clothing or get pushed to doing it. The fact is that we have no other choice. Look at what the scientists have to say about the climate. As we know, the weather is getting warmer, storms are getting stronger, and the climate is getting more unpredictable.

Join the Movement for Sustainable Shoes and Clothing

Everyone’s got to do their part. The world and every living thing on it cannot continue to have the climate challenges pushed back to a future time. Seriously, if we do nothing, there will not be a future for our families and living organisms. So, we want to remind you that you could help a good cause raise funds, the environment, and people worldwide. It’s time to rethink fundraising by making your shoes sustainable.

Make intelligent purchases and seek to buy sustainable shoes and clothing. And with the gently worn, used and new shoes you have around your home, dispose of them responsibly. For instance, look at a shoe drive fundraiser in your community. Doing so allows you to contribute to a good cause in your community, repurpose shoes, and help micro-entrepreneurs seeking to help themselves out of poverty by selling the shoes you no longer need.

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